Event 1: Eco Materialism and Contemporary Art
April 18th I attended Linda Weintraub’s lecture on eco materialism and the following symposium.
Her lecture was about how she developed the ideology and the art that she is
working on. “What is next?” “Is that all?” These two sentences ran through her
lecture and impressed me a lot. Besides the word beauty, what else can we say
about the nature? Such spirit of pursuing the fundamentals made Linda
outstanding. Another impressive moment was when she talked about her “Woods”----her
ecological home, where she could have intimate and direct connections with the
Linda's Woods
couldn’t help thinking about the idea of art and science in the first week. We
learned that as a general trend, art and science are to some extent more
integrated than before. But what Linda showed me seems to be a counterargument
to this. Instead of employing more technologies, she goes back to the exact
nature that is surrounding us. I suppose that a lot of her inspirations came
from her intimacy with the nature. Indeed, the nature itself is a masterpiece
of the God and what we can learn from it is boundless. The intuitions and inspirations she obtained
from nature originated deeply in her heart as she was fully immerged in the
surroundings. These feelings are the most genuine expressions of her mind and
are the most appealing of all because we, as part of the nature, are
intrinsically attracted by natural objects. In a society where technology has
become the mainstream of our life, she chose to return to the original
lifestyle and to listen to the deepest sound n her heart. This is probably why
she is such a great artist.
the symposium, I was fascinated by the idea of using nanobubles to save an
ecosystem. It was implemented by Dr. Marino Morikawa to save the wetland in
Peru. The idea was to introduce gas into the water to immobilize bacteria and
kill them and to use biofilters to block bacteria from entering. Here we can
see the rising of nanotechnology.
would definitely like to recommend the readers to participate in this event.
There you will be able to experience the nature that she brought from her home,
and moreover, listen to your heart.
Group photo with Linda (I am in black, second to the right)
Armstrong, Mary. The Arc of Life. July 2016.
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